Tuesday 4 October 2011

Picture Of Life

Today was kinda roller coaster ride for me.. to consider it as part of a life where i was certaine's about a goal to achieve and was sure enough that I will achieve it. It is like sitting in a roller coaster one knowing that there is going to be allot of turns where the twist is not sure about the how will the actually turn out to be ...
They often are very much assured of what one's path may be like and we assume the path (which at times prove to be correct), but the question is what actually happens that he Assumptions do not prove to be as accurate as we thought it to be??
Most of us would hang usually blame it on the word we love to blame "fate" .... but i wont. Sometimes you have to share a Little attention to the unexpected factors.. believe that we should leave some room for the unexpected stuff ... people always suggest to be an optimistic person bt in doing so ... there are often forget that though this helps this we end up neglecting the truth that lies around it ..
In simple words we become oblivious to the facts the Failures that every opportunity to bring with itself..lif to is not always water it shows it is like..its a vague picture at times and is ambiguous, it may at times have a different picture on the whole ... Or perhaps it is as a matter of fact, we ourselves that we refuse to see the picture from the other angle..fro I where there can not view things the way we want them to appea is like ..
That is our mistake ... n the solution to that is ... u failed once..try again using a different strategy for the same purpose..if ur so sure of your goal (keeping in mind to view product goals nor their chances from all the angles) .The the good thing about the life is dat u never know when its going to end for Soi GO ON to ON to ON planing it, every other day there is a new dawn to welcome u another day That invites u to broaden the product vision, broaden your frame of reference to explore the opportunities n ...
There is a reason why a day is always Considered to begin with a light rail instead of darkness..becaus everyday brings a new hope a new journey..to the same set of goals one has for himself.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Is it them or us?

The difficulty with the young—and I regard myself as one of them too—is that we think we have mastered the knowledge and wisdom of the whole world. If only we realize that our parents have passed through many experiences to gather wisdom from which we can learn, generation gap will cease to be a problem.
The difference between today’s generation and yesterday’s generation is just the difference between today and yesterday. It is true that there are many points on which youths disagree with adults, especially in this period, which is a transitional period. Values are changing. The values of those advanced in age, are different from the values of those who are just beginning these experiences of life.

There is a great man who has said, “When I was 20, I felt that my parents were foolish. I knew everything. They knew nothing. At the age of 30, I began to see that there was some little wisdom in what my parents said. At the age of 40, I found that there was not little, but quite a lot of wisdom in what they said. At the age of 50, I have realized that I was a fool to have disregarded what my parents told me.”
    Now if people Reading this are wise enough,the message has already been delivered to them.Thank you for Reading.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Decisions taken today are driven by our visions of tomorrow and based on what we learned yesterday. This basic rule applies to all decisions, irrespective of their size. Every time we take any decision we are involved in some element of leadership but the bigger the decision the more critical our leadership credentials become.

Monday 19 September 2011

What it is about..

Every struggles is not about victory,
some struggles are all about hard work and learning...

Sunday 18 September 2011

Dr.A.Q Khan

As the arrow of the time moves, the Will of God prevails and is focused on the emergence of humans endowed with exceptional intellectual capabilities and creative abilities. Such are the men who, by their good deeds, fulfill the edict of God, as revealed in the Holy Quran:

"I have created man in the best of forms." (Al Qurran; Surah 95; Ayah 04)

By their deeds and actions such persons, though not prophets, demonstrate that they are an extension of the will of the transcendental. These are the people, who are destined to make history in the elevation of nations. Such is the personality of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, who was born in Bhopal on April 1, 1936, which corresponds to the Hijri era 1355, Thursday 15th Rajab.
It was the beginning of the unfolding of his intellectual power when after receiving his early education from Bhopal obtained his degree in bachelor of sciences in 1960 from the University of Karachi.Subsequently, he studied in Berlin, West Germany and achieved high competence in metallurgical engineering. He obtained the degree of Master of Science (Technology) in 1967 from Delft Technological University, Holland, and Doctor of Engineering Degree in 1972 form the University of Leuven, Belgium.
His will and essence at all times remained directed towards the welfare of Pakistan. In 1976, he joined the Engineering Research Laboratories (ERL) in Pakistan and set up an uranium enrichment industrial plant.
Over the years, the laboratories became a focal point for a large number of scientists, engineers and technologists which Dr. Abdul Quadeer Khan gathered around himself and guided them to the tasks which have led to unparallel advances in science and technology. This was done under very challenging and difficult circumstances. It was only his courage, devotion, determination and persistence, which earned success for him and indeed for the nation. 

Due to his efforts the process of enrichment of Uranium was successfully completed in Pakistan. This breakthrough ultimately resulted in the historic explosion of six nuclear bombs on May 28 and May 30, 1998. Not only this but a significant development was also made with the successful test firing of Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles, Ghauri I, on April 6, 1998 and Ghauri II on April 14, 1999. 
There are numerous contributions of Dr. Khan which have strengthened the defence capability of Pakistan. Those, among others, include: manufacturing of sophisticated equipment like Surface-to-Air shoulder-fired anti-aircraft ANZA (MK-I & MK-II) and Baktar Shikan anti tank guided missiles for the Armed Forces.

For his important and eminent contributions in the field of science and technology, the President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan conferred upon Dr. Khan the award of Nishan-i-Imtiaz on 14 August, 1996 and 14 August, 1998. He is also a recipient of Hilal-i-Imtiaz. Dr. Khan is the only Pakistani to have received the highest civil award of "Nishan-i-Imtiaz" twice.
The list of his contribution and achievement is far too long to be mentioned in this short citation. He is a person infused with the spirit of serving the cause of Pakistan and Muslim Ummah through his able researches, high acumen, intellectual robustness and unwavering devotion. So numerous are his activities that every segment of society has praised him in different forms.
He has contributed immensely to the establishment of educational and research institutes in Pakistan. It is rare that a person in single life time accomplishes so much. This is done only by men who are endowed with special abilities by God and who prepare themselves through hard work and devotion to fulfill the mission of serving mankind.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Jinnah believed in the Islamic law as the constitution of the land of Pakistan and he considered Muslims as one nation, not withstanding separate racial and linguistic entities.In his eyes Pakistan is to be a Muslim state where the rights of minorities would be preserved in the light of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Quran.
“Pakistan only means freedom and independence but Muslims ideology, which has to be preserved which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which w hope, others will share with us.”(18th June 1945,Address to Frontier Muslim students federation).
He wanted to create an Islamic state in the form of Pakistan where Islamic law and code of conduct would be practiced in its true spirit.
“We do not demand Pakistan simply to have a piece of land but we want a laboratory where we could experiment on Islamic principles.”(Address at Islamic College Peshawar 1946).
Without of his efforts,skills of leadership and advocacy, perhaps Pakistan (The Islamic Republic) would have come into existence but it would have taken decades without a doubt..

What & Who Are Leaders...??

 The difference between mere bosses and leaders is that “leaders find the energy to stay on and fight, and energize others around them, while non leaders give up.” 

Superior leadership requires incredible amounts of emotional energy—the power to stay the course despite the level of difficulties of obstacles. This energy comes from discovering your purpose and values. One of the biggest reasons we have many poor leaders is that too many of them get into leadership for the wrong reasons—personal fame, fortune or glory—or are given positions based on competence alone.
If one opts for leadership he should be strong and wise enough to consider the priorities of those whom he is leading rather than his own and to know how to handle the circumstances,leading  eventually to the betterment and success.
As a leader you need to focus on what I call brainsbones, and nerves or setting direction, execution, and organizational culture.